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Thursday, 22 December 2011

House and Land Packages

House and land packages are really in a class of their own. Why, you ask? What’s so special about the house and land package? Well, put simply, it is the land. Yes, the land.
Land is an extremely scarce and highly treasured resource. In fact, other than religion and women, it is one of the few things that can boast a hand in the division of families, countries and even dynasties. Yes, wars have been fought, empires have fallen and entire races have been wiped out in the quest for acquiring more and more land.

With house and land packages, you get considerably more land than you would with townhouses and apartments.
Considering that some house and land package prices are at times on par with that of other property types, you are getting much more added value for your investment. This added value that comes with the land means that you are also looking at significantly increased capital growth for your house and land package!

We know that as house and land packages mean that the house generally comes already designed, just waiting to be matched to the right piece of land, you are saving more money than when you do the land purchase and house designing and building separately. As they come ready designed, we know that the package may include extra trimmings, like air conditioners, full landscaping, and carpets, that make it ready to rent out almost immediately. We also know that with most of the house designs in the local area complementing the others, there is a resulting picturesque effect that only adds to the property value.

We even know that the right house and land package for you can mean serious tax benefits through tax credits for the extra deductibles and we also know that house and land packages are often brand new, so they don’t require much maintenance for five years, at least. Finally, we know that you may even be able to save stamp duty on the house, albeit not the land, depending on which state you are looking to invest in.
 Give us a call and let us work out the right house and land package for you. It will only serve to accelerate your wealth creation, more so than before. EEstates

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Property Investment in South Africa

South Africa follows a system of land registration where every piece of land is reflected on a diagram and ownership recorded in one of the regionally located Deeds Registries, where documents are available for public viewing. South Africa is reputed to have one of the best deeds registration systems worldwide with an exceptional degree of accuracy and guaranteed tenure. Property can be owned individually, jointly in undivided shares or by an entity such as a company, close corporation or trust, or a similar entity registered outside South Africa.

There are no restrictions on property ownership by non-residents, save for a prohibition on illegal aliens owning immovable property within South Africa. There are, however, procedures and requirements which must be complied with in certain circumstances, such as, the local registration of entities registered outside of South Africa where it purchases property in South Africa and the appointment of a South African resident public officer for a local company whose shares are owned by a non-resident. In the event of a non-resident purchasing property in the country with the intention of residing here for longer periods, permanent residency will have to be applied for in accordance with the given requirements and procedures of South African law.
All contracts to acquire land must be in writing, contain certain prescribed information and be signed by both buyer and seller to be valid and legally binding. Contracts most commonly take the form of an Agreement of Sale or Offer to Purchase which once accepted constitutes an Agreement of Sale. Once an Agreement of Sale has been signed by both parties it represents a valid and binding document from which neither party can withdraw without incurring legal consequences, save for certain instances where:
  • the agreement is subject to certain conditions which are either fulfilled/not fulfilled;
  • the purchase price is less than R250 000.00 and certain additional criteria in terms of the Alienation of Land Amendment Act are present entitling the Purchaser to "cool off".
The de facto ownership of property can also be obtained by means of acquiring the shares/members interest and loan claims in a company/close corporation respectively which company/close corporation is the registered owner of a property. These contracts, strictly speaking, need not be in writing and can be concluded verbally which, although legally binding, is not advisable and it is recommended to record the agreement in writing to ensure that the material terms agreed to are accurately recorded.
It is important, furthermore, to note that only a natural person can acquire the members' interest in a close corporation. Accordingly, if it is intended for a non-resident company or trust to be the ultimate purchaser, provision can be made for the close corporation to be converted to a private company at a nominal expense to facilitate same and this should be a condition of purchase.
Accordingly the decision to enter into and sign an Offer to Purchase/Agreement of Sale is not a decision to be taken lightly and it is recommended that an inexperienced purchaser obtain independent legal advice if uncertain in any respect.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Brazil Property Investment


Brazil is Latin America's largest country. It covers almost half (47.3%) of South America's territory, totaling an area equivalent to 8,547,403 square kilometers. It is the world's fifth largest country, following the Russian Federation, Canada, China, and the United States. Except for a minor number of islands, the Brazilian territory extension is uninterrupted and continuous. The Equator line crosses the northern country, next to Macapá, while the Capricorn Tropic crosses the southern country, next to São Paulo.

Brazil's east-west territorial extension (4,319.4 km) is almost equivalent to its widest north-south distance (4,397.7 km). Brazil borders with ten countries: the French Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, and Colombia at north; Uruguay and Argentina at south; and Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru at west. Ecuador and Chile are the only two countries of South America with which Brazil makes no frontiers. The Atlantic Ocean extends along the entire Brazilian east cost, forming a 7,367-km seacoast.
Portuguese is the mother language, although very different from that spoken in Portugal and other ancient Portuguese colonies. Some people state that currently Brazilians speak “Brazilish”, with a pretty different accent and intonation. A comparison can be made with the English spoken by American and English people: each one has its own regional characteristics. Many Brazilians also speak German and Italian, especially in southern cities, thanks to the influence of colonization. 


  • Brazil is the world’s seventh biggest economy with economic growth of 7.5% in 2010 and a projected 4.5% in 2011. (Source: International Monetary Fund, January 2011)
  • Brazil is the world’s largest producer of ethanol. With 2 huge recent oil and gas well discoveries, it’s destined to become one of the biggest oil exporters by 2012.
  • It’s the world’s largest producer and exporter of agricultural products including coffee, sugar cane, fruit juices, soy, meat and leather.
  • Debt financing has become more available property prices increased by 22% in 2009 and continue to rise.
  • In 2009, 5 million international tourists visited Brazil. There are also 50 million annual internal tour- ists, the majority of who holiday in Northeast Brazil.
  • Population of 190 million with huge consumer power. Internal demand for 9 million+ new homes.
  • Brazil will host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. The government has approved $440BN funds for infrastructure improvements.
  • Its warm all year round in the northeast of Brazil increasing rental opportunities and yields.
  • Some areas in the North East of Brazil have seen capital appreciation of over 20% per year even more in hotspot areas.
  • Currency exceptionally favorable at the moment making it cheap for foreigners to invest / buy property, the currency over the last few years is strengthening year on year.
  • President Lula has brought huge hope and improvement to Brazil, Inflation is at an all time low
  • Foreign investment is encouraged, you own 100% of land and property (there are exceptions, but we will advise you of this)
  • Cost of living can be as low as 30% of the cost in the UK/Europe
  • Brazil is self sufficient in Oil and is finding more and more oil fields ready for exploration.
  • Beautiful Country with fantastic scenery and beaches
  • Some economists say Brazil will be one of the future economic leaders along with Russia, India, China (BRIC's).
  • Brazilian people are always friendly and cheerful and inviting. Smiles go a long way. Cities in Brazil are vibrant and exciting with carnivals and music
  • Brazil is considered a low risk in respect of War, Terrorism, SARS or Hurricanes